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понедельник, март 30, 2020

Dawn Golden "All that I want"

aвтор: Serge-S ®

Понравилось. Текст очень неплохой, и с подачей гармонирует.



your eyes they did flutter again
and my mouth it did hang wide
when you told me every little thing is going to be alright

but we were younger then
and now we're not
and if there was a plan made
then we forgot about it
and if there was time
I could figure it out now
but life is short
and I don't care for most of it
I don't care for most of it
because you're all that, all that I want...

well I know I'm hard to take
and my bones are calling out your name
while I beat your cold windows
break the locks on the gate
while I try to forget
I used to be something great

because you're all that, all that I want...

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