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четверг, январь 10, 2019

Milana Gorenstein will run for the post of Prime Minister of Israel

aвтор: Azergifts ®


Milana Gorenstein - a lawyer, investigative journalist, writer, artist, public figure, founder and spiritual leader of the international project “Kingdom of Love” - will take part in parliamentary elections and run for the post of Israeli Prime Minister.

Early parliamentary elections will be held in Israel on April 9, 2019. Ms. Gorenstein intends to actively re-enter Israeli policy in order to carry out fundamental reforms in the country. For this purpose, it is planned to register a new national party called the “Kingdom of Love”. The ideological basis of the party in 2111 will be love and harmony, and it will be different from all parties that exist in Israel today.

The Kingdom of Love Party has as its main goal the neutralization of hatred in Israeli society in all forms and the creation of conditions for the harmonious spiritual and physical development of every citizen in the country. We are talking about fundamental transformations of an evolutionary nature, which will give Israel a new vector of development in the context of energy-information changes occurring on the planet. The primitive oligarchic capitalism, which many unknowingly call “Jewish democracy”, suffered a crushing fiasco, and it will be replaced by a more advanced social model that can become an example for the whole world.

The main points of the program of the new party are: the abolition of the post of the President of Israel and the “Basic Law: The President of the State” (1964); a change in the government forming procedure and the actual separation of powers; the adoption of the constitution and the establishment of the Constitutional Court in Israel; total eradication of corruption without the right to re-occupy public office for persons convicted of crimes related to deception of public trust; creation of a really balanced, socially-oriented state with working social elevators and a free, but responsible, market economy; reduction of artificially high cost of living; the construction of a sufficient number of housing units for all social groups; the adoption of the world's first law on the insurance of Female Beauty and state certification of cosmetic services; support for women in management positions; active support of cultural institutions and persons engaged in all types of creativity; affordable higher education for all citizens; animal care and new environmental legislation; Jerusalem is the one and indivisible capital of Israel; all state structures, without exception,  are accountable to the citizens.

The full text of the program will be available soon on the party website. The key point is the fact that the announced program is not an abstract project, it is already at the implementation stage, and participation in the elections will only formalize the changes taking place in the country and give them full legitimacy.

Currently, negotiations are underway on partnerships with various social and political structures in Israel. Interested persons and organizations are invited to cooperate. Mail for communication: info@kingdomoflove.org

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