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среда, июнь 2, 2021

Planet Health Organization launches TART fundraising campaign

aвтор: Azergifts ®

The Planet Health Organization (POH) is a professional medical organization in Israel, which aims to disseminate information on the prevention and complex treatment of the main diseases that cause death and disability in the modern world, as well as to provide medical, psychological and other assistance to patients and their families.

As the United Nations Economic and Social Council noted in its 24 Session (2021) Report, “science, technology and innovation to protect human health around the world require global partnerships to support national action and international efforts to combat disease”. The idea of ​​building a society that can fix and improve our world (“Tikun Olam”) is rooted in the ancient traditions of the Jewish people. The Planet Health Organization (PHO) is fully committed to working together and taking action to make the vision of a bright future for the UN SDGs a reality today. Together with the UN, PHO is committed to maintaining peace, dignity and equality on a healthy planet.

Community preparedness for emergencies that can arise for a variety of reasons, including outbreaks of infectious, life-threatening diseases, natural disasters, as well as chemical pollution of the environment and the release of radiation, are of particular importance in POH programs. POH develops an action plan to improve public health preparedness and respond quickly and effectively to public health risks and emergencies of local, national and international importance. Other POH programs include prevention; development and implementation of methods for early diagnosis of diseases; creation of clinics for energy-informational and integrative medicine, diagnostic laboratories and the Blood Bank; development and implementation of innovative medical equipment based on the most advanced achievements of modern science; raising the level of awareness of the population about the rights of patients, developing and supporting draft laws in this area.

The Planet Health Organization (PHO) is one of the projects of the Kingdom of Love, an international association of professionals that have been implementing global cultural, charitable and peacekeeping initiatives worldwide since 2010.

The TART Campaign is an ongoing fundraising project for a new organization, in which both adults and children can participate. The Planet Health Organization's work is funded 100% from voluntary contributions, so every donation counts! Charitable aid will help carry out our work to save the lives of millions of people. You can become part of a team of professionals, take part in PHO programs or make a donation on the website http://www.planethealth.international

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