12 июнь
Женька и Ждун
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воскресенье, январь 20, 2019

“PEACE, LOVE, JUSTICE” — draft program of the political party “Kingdom of Love”

aвтор: Azergifts ®

Dear friends!

We will be glad to hear your suggestions, discuss them and incorporate into the program of the political party that is currently being created.

Activists who are willing to take part in the formation of the party, its official registration and fruitful work, please contact the election Headquarters:

WhatsApp: 0523 828 927

“PEACE, LOVE, JUSTICE” — draft program of the political party “Kingdom of Love”

PEACE (Foreign Policy)
Planet Earth. The State of Israel, its role in the modern world. Jerusalem is the eternal and indivisible capital of Israel. Iran. Palestinian autonomy. Russia. USA. China. Alien civilizations.

LOVE (Domestic Policy)
Men, women, children, animals. National communities in Israel. Mutual harmony between people. The harmony of man and nature. Innovation in the economy. Innovation in the education. Jerusalem Caucasian Club. Art, culture, sports. Insurance of female beauty.

JUSTICE (Government Reform Initiatives)
Reforming the public administration system. Abolition of the post of President of State. Adoption of the Constitution. Debureaucratization. Elimination of corruption. Lustration.


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