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суббота, сентябрь 5, 2015

America's Disappearing Jobs

aвтор: holla ®

The employment report indicated that the U.S. has been adding jobs at a strong pace, but we're zeroing in on a trend in the jobs market that could be very profitable for us.

For that answer, our economics team took a deep dive into statistics provided by the U.S. Commerce Department. What they found was pretty fascinating.

It wasn't about who was being hired in the jobs market that is so interesting, but rather who has been losing their jobs over the last ten years. These numbers are simply incredible.

The graph below provides a breakdown of the jobs that have disappeared across America over the last ten years - and at a breakneck pace, too.

Disappearing Job
10-Year Decline Rate
Switchboard Operators, Including Answering Service


Textile Knitting and Weaving Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders


Word Processors and Typists


Semiconductor Processors


Brickmasons and Blockmasons


Executive Secretaries and Executive Administrative Assistants


Computer Operators


Plasterers and Stucco Masons


Brickmasons, Blockmasons, Stonemasons, and Tile and Marble Setters - Helpers


Carpenters - Helpers


So, what do these disappearing jobs have in common?

The disappearance of these positions is tied to major economy trends in America today.

The first is the rapid decline of housing over the last ten years. A decade ago, any job related to the housing bubble was considered a great position to have.

But today, we've seen a near 62% decline in carpentry positions and a near 60% decline in masonry jobs. The housing market is still nowhere near it was just ten years ago, and it is still propped up by all-cash buyers and subprime lending.

The second trend is what has fueled the disappearance of switchboard operators, typists, computer operators, semiconductor processors, and textile jobs. That is the dramatic adoption of human-replacing technologies that have allowed companies to cut costs and streamline operations.

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