01 июнь
Кипят, бурлят по миру страсти
© Leshinski


январь 10, 2017 | Разное


https:/youtu.be/mQdtg4jFR5U...   читать
июль 10, 2016 | Музыка

Bookmarks #7

https:/youtu.be/CHscfrKiUUs...   читать
июль 3, 2016 | Музыка

Horace Silver

Name: Horace Ward Martin Tavares Silver Occupation: American jazz pianist, composer, and arranger Born: September 2, 1928, Norwalk, Connecticut, U.S. Died: June 18, 2014, New Rochelle, NY Genres: Jazz, Hard bop, Mainstream jazz, Soul jazz, Jazz fusion Parents: John Tavares Silva, GertrudeTavares https:/youtu.be/t8jFGFwOm7k ...   читать
июль 1, 2016 | Музыка

Ernestina Anderson

Born: November 11, 1928, Houston, TX Died: March 10, 2016, Shoreline, WA Education: Garfield High School https:/youtu.be/KzvH4-f6ZVs ...   читать
июнь 25, 2016 | Статьи

Political Islam will go the same way as nationalism and communism

- Moncef Marzouki was the president of Tunisia from 2011 to 2014. A neurologist by profession, he spent many years defending human rights during the dictatorship of former Tunisian president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, which was toppled by the Arab Spring uprising. He founded the Congress for the Republic party but in 2015 he launched a new political party named Al-Irada (The Will). You can follow him on Twitter @Moncef_Marzouki . A longer version of this article originally appeared in Arab...   читать
июнь 18, 2016 | Статьи

America’s second chance to prove Clintons aren’t above the law

By Michael Goodwin << Once the people say integrity is optional, the nation is lost. An America that gives up on integrity would not be America anymore.>>...   читать
май 23, 2016 | Музыка

Voices of the Big Band

https:/youtu.be/ngfk78PiV_M...   читать
апрель 17, 2016 | Разное

Gary Kasparov's ...

Fulton Speech https:/youtu.be/NC5RcrlIxyY...   читать
апрель 16, 2016 | Разное

Panama Papers

... Reveal Clinton’s Kremlin Connection John and Tony Podesta aren’t fooling anyone By John R. Schindler • 04/07/16 1:00pm The revelations of the so-called Panama Papers that are roiling the world’s political and financial elites this week include important facts about Team Clinton. This unprecedented trove of documents purloined from a shady Panama law firm that arranged tax havens, and perhaps money laundering, for the globe’s super-rich includes ...   читать
апрель 4, 2016 | Заметки

Марк Зальцберг: Уроки выборов

Уроки предварительных выборов 2016-03-21 06:28 Трамп, единственный кандидат, который видит проблемы, открыто о них говорит и способен их решать. “Единственным способом общения государства с живыми, реальными людьми стала отлаженная система насилия”. / Б. Шварц. Из книги “Шостакович, каким запомнился”. / Цитата из лучшей написанной о Д. Шостаковиче книги всплыла в моей памяти не зря. Книгу написала близкая подруга композитора, талант...   читать
февраль 29, 2016 | Статьи

In America now only normal people are capable of seeing the obvious.

Trump and the Rise of the Unprotected By Peggy Noonan Feb. 25, 2016 8:02 p.m. ET Why political professionals are struggling to make sense of the world they created. We’re in a funny moment. Those who do politics for a living, some of them quite brilliant, are struggling to comprehend the central fact of the Republican primary race, while regular people have already absorbed what has happened and is happening. Journalists and politicos have been sharing schemes for ho......   читать
февраль 26, 2016 | Музыка

Bobby Troup

Born: October 18, 1918 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, U.S. Died: February 7, 1999 (aged 80) Los Angeles, California, U.S. Occupation: Composer, pianist, singer-songwriter, actor https:/youtu.be/BurBTIzFXNA...   читать
февраль 15, 2016 | Музыка

Happy Valentine's day!

https:/www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCJRoG6W8yQ ...   читать
январь 19, 2016 | Разное

Потрясающий малец!

https:/youtu.be/t3Cb1qwCUvI https:/youtu.be/WhLNXXxbfNA...   читать
январь 4, 2016 | Статьи

NY Times, Saddam and isis

The Arab nationalist Baath Party, which seized power in 1968 in a coup in which Mr. Hussein played a key role, had a firmly secular outlook. This held through the 1970s, even as religiosity rose among the Iraqi people. But soon after Mr. Hussein invaded Iran in 1980, it began to change. How Saddam Husein Gave Us ISIS ...   читать
январь 1, 2016 | Музыка

Natalie Cole

1950-2015 https:/www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKCyUe4syc4...   читать
январь 1, 2016 | Статьи

Meet the Real House of Cards

The revolving door kept spinning through 2015, as Washington kept getting richer at the expense of the rest of the country. Hundreds of government employees went to K Street and Wall Street and hundreds went the other way. Here were the 12 most noteworthy spins:...   читать
ноябрь 28, 2015 | Музыка

Charlie Mariano

Carmine Ugo Mariano - Jazz alto saxophonist Born: November 12, 1923, Boston, Massachusetts, USA Died: June 16, 2009, Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany https:/youtu.be/OxzM9Q8XkNM...   читать
ноябрь 14, 2015 | Музыка

Songs In The Key Of Life II

https:/www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6N2YA5TXdU...   читать
ноябрь 11, 2015 | Разное

Dennis Prager

https:/youtu.be/ZjK9U-ZVvGo...   читать
ноябрь 3, 2015 | Музыка

Bookmarks 6

Big Bands and Large Ensembles...   читать
октябрь 17, 2015 | Музыка

Gerald Wilson

Full Name: Gerald Stanley Wilson OCCUPATION: Trumpeter, bandleader, composer BIRTH DATE: September 4, 1918 DEATH DATE: : September 8, 2014 PLACE OF BIRTH: Shelby, Mississippi, USA PLACE OF DEATH: Los Angeles, USA Years active 1938-2014 https:/www.youtube.com/watch?v=u39GOiDKhHc https:/youtu.be/XNfUtfdwTes?list=RDz9Uttc8z0ls...   читать
октябрь 4, 2015 | Заметки

О вредности устного счета

Автор: Александр Матлин Нью-Йорк, США / Источник: "Чайка" / Марине повезло: через месяц после приезда в Америку она получила свою первую работу. Везенье это было сказочное и совершенно необъяснимое, потому что английского языка Марина не знала. Она начала учить его по пути в Америку, и за два месяца ожидания американской визы в Италии выучила «спасибо», «до свиданья» и ещё несколько слов и выражений, полезных в быту, но никак не пригодных для того, чтобы отве......   читать
сентябрь 5, 2015 | Заметки

America's Disappearing Jobs

The employment report indicated that the U.S. has been adding jobs at a strong pace, but we're zeroing in on a trend in the jobs market that could be very profitable for us. / For that answer, our economics team took a deep dive into statistics provided by the U.S. Commerce Department. What they found was pretty fascinating. / It wasn't about who was being hired in the jobs market that is so interesting, but rather who has been losing their jobs over the last ten years. These numbers a...   читать
август 28, 2015 | Музыка

Анатолий Кальварский

... замечательный антисоветский композитор, работавший в Баку в 60-е годы. https:/youtu.be/vRfUbcVp3GU...   читать
август 9, 2015 | Разное

Фиорина и козёл

https:/www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmGtGMMivyE...   читать
июль 10, 2015 | Музыка

Charles Edward "Charlie" Haden

Charlie Haden - jazz double bass player, bandleader, composer and educator Born: August 6, 1937 Shenandoah, Iowa, United States Died: July 11, 2014 (aged 76) Los Angeles, California, United States https:/youtu.be/_WacZLqZlKw...   читать
июнь 13, 2015 | Музыка

Randolph Denard Ornette Coleman

Ornette Coleman - jazz saxophonist, violinist, trumpeter and composer. Born: March 9, 1930, Fort Worth, Texas, USA Died: June 11, 2015, New York City, New York, USA https:/youtu.be/s0sAuMPhFt8...   читать
май 31, 2015 | Музыка

Bookmarks 5: Songs In The Key Of Life

https:/www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkMIjgKSIvE / 1. Love's in Need of Love Today (0:00) / 2. Have a Talk with God (7:05) / 3. Village Ghetto Land (9:48) / 4. Contusion (13:13) / 5. Sir Duke (16:59) / 6. I Wish (20:52) / 7. Knocks Me off My Feet (25:04) / 8. Pastime Paradise (28:41) / 9. Summer Soft (32:05) / 10. Ordinary Pain (36:23) / 11. Isn't She Lovely (42:46) / 12. Joy Inside My Tears (49:20) / 13. Black Man (55:50) / 14. Ngiculela -- Es Una Historia -- I Am Sing......   читать
май 31, 2015 | Искусство


https:/youtu.be/1hAB8elxFYg...   читать
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Кипят, бурлят по миру страсти
© Leshinski