02 июнь
Женька и Ждун
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четверг, октябрь 28, 2004

Changes made to program of 4th audio-visual festival


A news conference dedicated to opening of the 4th international audio-visual festival in Baku was held at the Nizami cinema on Tuesday. Different kinds of films will be shown within the festival that brought together filmmakers from various world countries. Winners of the contest will be awarded a bronze “Golden Fairy” statuette designed by honored arts figure, artist Arif Maharramov.

According to head of the event, renowned film director Ayaz Salayev, some changes have been made in the program of the festival, as the “Best videoart” nomination has been included in, while the “Best advertisement” nomination withdrawn from the program.

Apart from the international jury of the festival, journalists will select their own nominees as well.

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