15 июнь
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четверг, октябрь 8, 2009

19th Annual Turkish Festival

aвтор: miau ®
Dear Friends,

Houston Azerbaijanis would like to invite You, Your Family and Friends to the 19th Annual Turkish Festival.

It promises to be a fascinating event rich in cultural shows, trades, crafts, activities for you and your kids, and of course- amazing cuisine! This year there will be a merge of cultures featuring Turkish, Azerbaijani and Bosnian communities.

Houston Azerbaijanis is presenting its Dance Group with the new performances. We will perform on both days: Saturday at 4:30 p.m. and Sunday at 3:30 p.m. This year we will also have our guest performers: duet of Rahman Asdollahi (accordion) and Tahir Guliev (nagara) who will perform traditional Azerbaijani music; and Azerbaijani singer Elgun Guliyev who is traveling from Turkey.

The Festival will take place on October 10-11, (Saturday and Sunday) and will be held at Jones plaza, downtown Houston, TX.

Additional information are is available on the website:

[link]http://turkishfest. atahouston. org/Home/ tabid/36/ Default.aspx [/link]

We are looking forward to seeing you all there!

Xosh Arzularla,

Javid Zeynalov

From President and

Board members of Houston Azerbaijanis
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