16 июнь
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© Leshinski
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среда, июль 1, 2009

Michael Jackson

aвтор: Benni1 ®
I was driving my car when I heard on the radio that he was hospitalized and was not already breathing.

I knew right away that he was already dead! Something inside told me that he was gone! I started flipping the channels but

for a while could not hear anything else. Then in a few minutes the Spanish radio broke the news again and the person was saying something very fast (normal spanish talk) and the only word I could understand was the word "MORTE" which translates "DEAD".

I started flipping the channels again and every channel started already playing his songs, and I knew that he was gone that's why they were playing his songs!!

I remember exactly where my car was when I heard the word "MORTE" and when my tears broke...I never could imagine that his death will impact me so deeply!!

Lately misunderstood, disappreciated, lonely and forgotten Michael - that's how all geniuses die!
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