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пятница, июнь 12, 2009

First time in Norway: Azerbaijani Concert

aвтор: Ljungberg ®
Invitation –

First time in Norway: Azerbaijani Concert

The Norwegian Azerbaijanis Youtn Organziation - NAYO invites you to the first ever Azerbaijani Concert program held in Oslo with professional Azerbaijani singers performing diverse musical genres. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan has supported this event by sending six popular Azerbaijani singers/musicians Lale Mammadova (singer: pop/folk), Rashad Ilyas (singer: pop/folk), Elmaddin Ibrahimov (singer: mugam/folk), Afqan Rasul (jazz-piano), Sahib Pashazada (tar; instrument) and Toqrul Asadullayev (kamanca; instrument) to perform at the concert.

The concert will take place at 19:00-21:00 on 13 June 2009, at the main concert hall of Chateau Neuf (next to the Majorstua t-bane station) in Oslo. The event is devoted to the friendship, tolerance and solidarity between Azerbaijan and Norway and has the aim to bring Azerbaijani, Turkish, Norwegian and other international communities living in Oslo together.

After the concert all the guests will be invited to the opening ceremony of the ‘FOCUS: The Norwegian - Azerbaijani Children and Youth for Friendship and Tolerance’ and ‘New and Old Azerbaijan’ photo exhibitions at the first floor of the Chateau Neuf. Some photos of Oslo, Baku and South Azerbaijan will also be exhibited at the exhibition. The visitors will have an opportunity to taste traditional Azerbaijani cookies, delights and tea/coffee during the exhibition. The purpose of the photo exhibition is to show the children and youth work which is devoted to art, friendship, tolerance and understanding. The concert and exhibition projects are organized by the Norwegian Azerbaijanis Youth Organization with the support and help of the International Student Union - UiO, the Norwegian Turkish Organization and Norwegian Turkish Youth Organization.
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